Exercise 8Using Lightning Components in Visualforce Pages


In this exercise, you will learn how to:

  • Package Lightning Components for use outside the Lightning Experience
  • Use Lightning Components in Visualforce Pages

Step 1 - Create the container app

  1. In the Developer Console, create a new Lightning Application named PictureGalleryApp.

  2. Implement the app as follows:

     <aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp"> 
         <aura:dependency resource="c:HelloWorld" />
         <aura:dependency resource="c:PictureCarousel" />
  3. Save the file.

Step 2 - Create the Visualforce page

  1. In the Developer Console, create a new Visualforce page named PictureGallery.
  2. Implement the page as follows:

     <apex:page standardStylesheets="false" applyBodyTag="false">
         <apex:slds />
             #content {display:flex}
             #carousel {height:400px;width:600px;padding-left:12px}
         <div class="slds-scope">    
             <p>My awesome Lightning Components running in Visualforce...</p> 
             <div id="content">
                 <div id="greeting" />
                 <div id="carousel" />
  3. In Setup, create a tab called PictureGallery for the PictureGallery Visualforce page.

  4. Add the tab to the Dreamhouse Classic app.

  5. Go back to the Dreamhouse Classic app, and click the newly created PictureGallery tab to test the page.

Step 3 - Load the HelloWord component in the Visualforce page

  1. Go back to the PictureGallery Visualforce page in the Developer console.

  2. Add the <apex:includeLightning /> tag immediately after the opening <apex:page> tag.

  3. Add a <script> ... </script> tag immediately before the closing </apex:page> tag with the following script to instantiate the HelloWorld component.

         $Lightning.use("c:PictureGalleryApp", function() {
                 function(cmp) {
                     console.log("HelloWorld component loaded");
  4. Save the file.

  5. Go back to the PictureGallery tab and reload the page.

Step 4 - Load the PictureCarousel component in the Visualforce page

  1. Go back to the PictureGallery Visualforce page in the Developer console.

  2. Add the following code immediately after the existing $Lightning.createComponent block (within the $Lightning.use("c:PictureGalleryApp" callback function) to instantiate the PictureCarousel component.

         {slides: [
         function(cmp) {
             console.log("Carousel component loaded");
  3. Save the file.

  4. Go back to the PictureGallery tab and reload the page.

  5. Switch to Salesforce Classic, click the Picture Gallery tab. The Lightning Components are running in a Visualforce page inside Salesforce Classic.